This is an article about how different representations can make it easier or harder to understand certain concepts. It is also about numbers and functions and relations and about interesting properties that some of them have.
How to hide the fact that we're implementing functions via dictionaries; in JavaScript.
How do you invoke an anonymous function using a custom name if all you have is first-class functions? It's quite simple, really.
This post gets us about half way to a usable physical dimensions library. We're going to use type-level numbers as type arguments in phantom types, and we're going to make use of some type-level arithmetic.
If you want to represent m, m^2, and m^3 using types, it makes sense to start by representing numbers as types.
How do you prevent a program that attempts invalid operations on physical quantities from running? Basically by representing them as types. Basically.
While investigating how to do conceptually simple things in C++, I discovered some interesting language features which I explain in this post.
What's your mental model of the relationship between CSS selectors and HTML documents? This post investigates the effect of different answers to this question.
Personal thoughts when I decided to quit my job.
Thoughts on dependencies and responsibility.
No, you can't eat that tech. Someone chewed on it.
A "problem" may or may not actually be a problem.